I have been writing an app that generates short relaxing meditations on user-provided themes. One AI composes the text, and another reads it. Users can set their own preferences on style for both the text and the voice.
The result is then played in a simple audioplayer that can provide backing music and ambient sounds.
The target audience at the moment is anyone who can’t sleep because their mind is racing.
I’ll add some examples here soon. There is more work to be done in the form of editorial guidance. GPT4 tends to like grandiose themes, which can be quite pleasant to listen to – but can also be overdone.
Note that these are all first drafts, to save time. It would be trivial to get GPT4 to spend longer on the composition, going through multiple rounds of editing like any real writer. In my experience, this makes an enormous difference to the quality of the output.
If anyone has a specific request for a meditative composition, please let me know.You can also recommend backing music from Epidemic Sound. The app will soon be linked to Spotify so the AI can provide narration for your favourite instrumental playlist.

The Climb
Running with Wolves