Professor Yann LeCun, a basic denier of the threat of AI, vocal tweeter and chief scientist at Meta , made the following comments in an interview with Lex Fridman as recently as last year, “I don’t think we can train a machine to be intelligent purely from text, because I think the amount of information…
Category: Uncategorized
Thinking is Hard
The conversation below is part of an effort to improve the cognitive abilities of GPT4. The puzzle I put to it, which is also hard for most humans, seems to test its abilities quite severely. The puzzle was not in its training data because I invented it. The general form of the puzzle is that…
GPT4 Analyses Le Cun’s Twitter Feed
Yann LeCun is a prominent supporter of the idea that AI safety is guaranteed. All we have to do is make superintelligent AIs subservient to us, and no significant harm can come from this technology. I asked GPT4 to inspect LeCun’s Twitter feed and find potentially strained or inappropriate analogies. All text below generated by…
Improving the Cognitive Architecture of GPT4
I am looking for collaborators who might be interested in improving the cognitive abilities of GPT4 with no new training, just careful selection of meta-prompts and refinement of the cognitive architecture. There are several similar projects out there at the moment, because it is fairly obvious that the current architecture is holding GPT4 back. This…
Wetware Plugin
Hi there. The code below might be of some interest to other programmers who are working with the GPT API from OpenAI. The API has been somewhat slow lately, and it is often cumbersome to debug code while waiting for GPT to respond. I have faced a lot of timeouts, particularly with GPT4, which is…
US Senate Committee Hearing on AI
Follow progress at AI Safety Tour:
Programming in 2023
PROMPT: Could you please generate a GUI using PyQt that has an upper multiline editable text window and a button labelled A, followed by a lower panel that is split into two columns, each with non-editable but scrollable multiline text fields, accompanied by buttons B and C, respectively. On pressing button A, the text in…
“Just a Statistical Text Predictor”
The world is currently trying to pigeon-hole the latest crop of Large Language Models (LLMs), like GPT4. At the most essential level, what sort of entity is GPT4? Is it an AI? Is it one step short of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)? Or is it several steps from AGI? Is it just a statistical text…
Guest Post – AI Sentience?
A Discord friend, Will Petillo, has been musing on AI sentience, and he proposes that we might have the first traces of it already. I have my own ideas on this issue, and personally I don’t think we have AI sentience yet. I actually don’t think “sentience” is well defined, so the question of whether…
AI Pause Debate
Bard Tries to Discuss Philosophy
[Human] Hi there. I would like to have a complicated philosophical conversation. Can you please talk to me as though you were a very bright PhD student interested in neuroscience, and I am another PhD student. I’d like to teach you the words “maralia” and “maralian”. Have you ever heard them? Do you have any…
Australian Politician Julian Hill on AGI
See also:
GPT4 Brainstorms Doom
I asked GPT4 to brainstorm 50 AI doomer scenarios, and then explore 10 in more detail. It gets repetitive towards the end, as many of the issues and strategies are the same in each scenario. What additional scenarios would a smarter LLM (Large Language Model AI) think of? P.S. I tried out a new automated…
Sam Altman 8 Years Ago
Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, the team who created GPT4, is aware of the risks of AI and knew them 8 years ago, as shown in the blog post linked below. I don’t know if this makes him a good person to be holding the key to this technology or not. He knew, and…
Two Steps From AGI
Someone on Reddit asked me what I thought the worst-case scenario was for the burgeoning field of open-source AI.This post is an expanded version of my reply. It’s easy to identify what worries me, but not so easy to convince people that it’s a concern worth worrying about, and there are so many unknowns in…